Dr. Marieke M. van Katwijk
Senior scientist at Radboud University
Dep. Environmental Science
Institute for Water and Wetland Research
Radboud University Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Fellow at NIOZ-Yerseke
Last updated: January 14st, 2025 |
Orcid: 0000-0002-4482-5835
Curriculum vitae
- Socio-ecological connectivity in tropical seascapes (supervisor RU-NIOZ PhD project 2018-2025)
Completed projects
- Seagrass restoration Lake Grevelingen and Lake Veere (advisor, PhD supervisor Rijkswaterstaat 2017-2022)
- Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas (co-applic, MERCES, EU H2020, 2016-2020)
- Developing multipurpose biodegradable structures for generating ecosystem services - bridging thresholds (co-applic, STW 2015-2019)
- Stability of Caribbean coastal Ecosystems uNder future Extreme Sea level changes (co-applic, NWO 2014-2019)
- Effect of temperature and macroalgae bloom on seagrasses to nutrient absorption (co-applic, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016-2019)
- Novagrass Innovative eelgrass restoration techniques Denmark (advisor, DSF 2013-2017)
- Seagrass restoration Wadden Sea (collaborator, Deltares, Waddenvereniging, Natuurmonumenten (advisory 2011-2016)
- Seagrass mitigation Eastern Scheldt (PI, Projectbureau Zeeweringen 2007-2015)
- Yellow River delta: human activities and ecosystem health (co-applic NWO 2011-2015)
- Wadden Sea Long-Term Ecosystem Research (co-applic, WaLTER, Wadden Fund 2011-2015)
- Seagrass, nutrients and turtle grazing in Indonesia (PI, NWO-WOTRO 2006-2012)
- Macrophytes in Estuarine Gradients (PI, LOICZ-NWO 2004-2009)
- Ecosystem engineers in the coastal zone (co-applic RWS WINN 2006-2008)
- Role of ecology, evaluation of EVA2 (co-applic Min. LNV 2006-2007)
- Reintroduction of seagrass in the Dutch Wadden Sea (PI, RWS 2001-2006)
- Possibilities for reintroduction of seagrass in the Dutch Wadden Sea (PI, various projects RWS 1989-2000, PhD thesis 2000)
Other: Member of IUCN Working Group Rewilding (2021-2025), member of Scientific Advisory Board LTER-LIFE (2025-2027)
(Co-)Supervised PhDs:
T. van der Heide (2009), M.J.A. Christianen (2013), L.L. Govers (2014), Y. La Nafie (2016), Achmad Adhitya (2016), L.M. Soissons (2017), W. Suykerbuyk ( 2019), R.K. James (2020), R.J.T. Cronau (2024), Forthcoming: L.H. Leemans.
Peer reviewed publications in international journals
(pdf's available upon request, or via google scholar or researchgate)
- Ascenzi I, Hilbers JP, van Katwijk MM, Huijbregts MAJ, Hanssen SV (2025) Increased but not pristine soil organic carbon stocks in restored ecosystems. Nature Communications 16: 637
- Leemans L, Magaña-Gallegos E, van Katwijk MM, Lamers LPM, Smolders AJP, Bouma TJ, Christianen MJA, van Tussenbroek BI (2025) Iron co-limitation of Sargassum fluitans. Aquatic Botany 196: 103807
- Hanssen L, Leemans LH Engel MS, van der Geest M, Lamers LM, Smolders AJP, van Tussenbroek BI, Rouwette E, Christianen MJA, van Katwijk MM (2024) Early stakeholder involvement using Group Model Building to identify ecological research questions and nature management options. Marine Pollution Bulletin 209: 117179.
- van Katwijk MM, van Beusekom JEE, Folmer E, Kolbe K, de Jong DJ (2024) Seagrass recovery trajectories and recovery potential in relation to nutrient reduction. Journal of Applied Ecology 61:1784-1804
- Martínez López IG, Leemans L, van Katwijk MM, van der Heide T, Ávila-Mosquedo SV, van Tussenbroek BI (2024) Coralline algal population explosion in an overgrazed seagrass meadow: conditional outcomes of intraspecific and interspecific interactions. Ecosystems 27:592-605
- Cobacho SP, Leemans LH, Weideveld STJ, Fu X, van Katwijk MM, Lamers LPM, Smolders AJP, Christianen MJA (2024) Addition of iron does not ameliorate sulfide toxicity by sargassum influx to mangroves but dampens methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Marine Pollution Bulletin 202: 116303
- Mtwana Nordlund Lina, Richard K. F. Unsworth, Sieglind Wallner-Hahn, Lavenia Ratnarajah, Pedro Beca-Carretero, Elmira Boikova, James C. Bull, Rosa M. Chefaoui, Carmen B. de los Santos, Karine Gagnon, Joxe Mikel Garmendia, Francesca Gizzi, Laura L. Govers, Camilla Gustafsson, Elitsa Hineva, Eduardo Infantes, João Canning-Clode, Marlene Jahnke, Periklis Kleitou, Hilary Kennedy, Stefania Klayn, Tiia Moller, João Monteiro, Nerea Piñeiro-Juncal, Emanuele Ponis, Vasillis Papathanasiou, Dimitris Poursanidis, Riccardo Pieraccini, Oscar Serrano, Ana. I. Sousa, Susanne Schäfer, Francesca Rossi, D. Sebastian Storey, Marieke M. van Katwijk, Dave Wall, Emma A. Ward, Robert Wilkes (2024) One hundred priority questions for advancing seagrass conservation in Europe. Plants, People, Planet: 10486
- van Katwijk MM, van Tussenbroek BI (2023) Facultative annual life cycles in seagrasses. Plants 12: 12102002
- Cronau RJT, Telgenkamp Y, de Fouw J, van Katwijk MM, Bouma TJ, Heusinkveld JHT, Hoeijmakers D, van der Heide T, Lamers LL (2023) Seagrass is protected from ragworm pressure by a newly discovered grazer-ragworm interaction; implications for restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology 60:978-989
- van Katwijk MM, Cronau RJT, Lamers LPM, Kamermans P, van Tussenbroek BI. de Jong DJ (2023) Salinity-induced extinction of Zostera marina in Lake Grevelingen? How strong habitat modification may require introduction of a suitable ecotype. Sustainability, 15, 3472.
- James RK, Keyzer LM, van de Velde SJ, Herman PMJ, van Katwijk MM, Bouma TJ (2023) Climate change mitigation by coral reefs and seagrass beds at risk: How global change compromises coastal ecosystem services. Science of The Total Environment 857, 159576
- Cronau RJT, de Fouw J, van Katwijk MM, Bouma TJ, Heusinkveld JHT, Hoeijmakers D, Lamers LPM, van der Heide T (2023) Seed- versus transplant-based eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) restoration success in a temperate marine lake. Restoration Ecology 31, e13786.
- Infantes E, Hoeks S, Adams MP, van der Heide T, van Katwijk MM, Bouma TJ (2022) Seagrass roots strongly reduce cliff erosion rates in sandy sediments. Marine Ecology Progress Series 700:1-12 Feature article
- van Katwijk MM, van Tussenbroek BI, Hanssen SV, Hendriks AJ, Hanssen L (2021) Rewilding the sea with domesticated seagrass. Bioscience 71:1171-1178
- Christianen MJA, van Katwijk MM, van Tussenbroek BI, Pagès JF, Ballorain K, Kelkar N, Arthur R, Alcoverro T (2021) A dynamic view of seagrass meadows in the wake of successful green turtle conservation. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5:553-555
- James RK, Lynch A, Herman PMJ, van Katwijk MM, van Tussenbroek BI, Dijkstra HA, van Westen RM, van der Boog CG, Klees R, Pietrzak JD, Slobbe C, Bouma TJ (2021) Tropical biogeomorphic seagras landscapes for coastal protection: persistence and wave attenuation during major storms events. Ecosystems 24:301-318 Open access
- Temmink RJM, Christianen MJA, Fivash GS, Angelini C, Boström C, Didderen K, Engel SM, Esteban N, Gaeckle JL, Gagnon K, Govers LL, Infantes E, van Katwijk MM, Kipson S, Lamers LPM, Lengkeek W, Silliman BR, van Tussenbroek BI, Unsworth RKF, Yaakub SM, Bouma TJ; van der Heide T (2020) Mimicry of emergent traits amplifies coastal restoration success. Nature Communications 11: 3668 Open access Video abstract
- James RK, Christianen MJA, van Katwijk MM, de Smit JC, Bakker ES, Herman PMJ, Bouma TJ (2020). Seagrass coastal protection services reduced by invasive species expansion and megaherbivore grazing. Journal of Ecology 108:2025-2037 Open access
- Leemans L, Martínez López IG, van der Heide T, van Katwijk MM, van Tussenbroek BI (2020) A mutualism between unattached coralline algae and seagrasses prevents overgrazing by sea turtles. Ecosystems 23:1631-1642 Open access
- Gagnon K, Rinde E, Bengil EGT, Carugati L, Christianen MJA, Danovaro R, Gambi C, Govers LL, Kipson S, Meysick L, Pajusalu L, Tüney Kizilkaya I; van de Koppel J, van der Heide T, van Katwijk MM, Boström C (2020) Facilitating foundation species - the potential for plant-bivalve interactions to improve habitat restoration success. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:1161-1179 open access
- James RK, van Katwijk MM, van Tussenbroek BI, van der Heide T, Dijkstra HA, van Westen RM, Pietrzak JD, Candy AS, Klees R, Riva REM, Slobbe C, Katsman CA, Herman PMJ, Bouma TJ (2020) Water motion and vegetation control pH dynamics in seagrass-dominated bays. Limnology & Oceanography 65:349-362 open access
- Soissons LM, van Katwijk MM, Baoquan Li, Qiuying Han, Ysebaert T, Herman PMJ, Bouma TJ (2019) Ecosystem engineering creates a new path to resilience in plants with contrasting growth strategies. Oecologia 191:1015-1024 open access
- Martínez López IG, van den Akker M, Walk L, van Katwijk MM, van der Heide T, van Tussenbroek BI (2019) Nutrient availability induces community shifts in seagrass meadows grazed by turtles. PeerJ 5750 open access
- de los Santos CB, Krause-Jensen D, Alcoverro T, Marbà N, Duarte CM, van Katwijk MM, Pérez M, Romero J, Sánchez-Lizaso JL, Roca G, Jankowska E, Lucas Pérez-Lloréns J, Fournier J, Montefalcone M, Pergent G, Ruiz JM, Cabaço S , Cook K, Wilkes RJ, Moy FE, Muñoz-Ramos Trayter G, Seglar Arañó X, de Jong DJ, Fernández-Torquemada Y, Auby I, Vergara JJ, Santos R (2019) Recent trend reversal for declining European seagrass meadows. Nature Communications 10:3356 open access
- James RK, Silva R, van Tussenbroek BI, Escudero-Castillo M, Mariño-Tapia I, Dijkstra HA, van Westen RM, Pietrzak JD, Candy AS, Katsman CA, van der Boog CG, Riva REM, Slobbe C, Klees R, Stapel J, van der Heide T, van Katwijk MM, Herman PMJ, Bouma TJ (2019) Maintaining tropical beaches with seagrass and algae: A promising alternative to engineering solutions BioScience 69: 136-142 abstract
- Suykerbuyk W, Govers LL, van Oven WG, Giesen K, Giesen WBJT, de Jong DJ, Bouma TJ, van Katwijk MM (2018) Living in the intertidal; desiccation and shading reduce seagrass growth, but high salinity or population of origin have no additional effect, PeerJ 6:e5234; DOI 10.7717/peerj.5234 open access
- Soissons LM, Haanstra EP, van Katwijk MM, Asmus R, Auby I, Barillé L, Brun FG, Cardoso PG, Desroy N, Fournier J, Ganthy G, Garmendia JM, Godet L, Grilo TF, Kadel P, Ondiviela B, Peralta G, Puente A, Recio M, Rigouin L, Valle M, Herman PMJ, Bouma TJ. (2018) Latitudinal patterns in European seagrass carbon reserves: influence of seasonal fluctuations versus short-term stress and disturbance events. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 88
- Soissons LM, van Katwijk MM, Peralta G, Brun FG, Cardoso PG, Grilo TF, Ondiviela B, Recio M, Valle M, Garmendia JM, Ganthy F, Auby I, Rigouin L, Godet L, Fournier J, Desroy N, Barillé L, Kadel P, Asmus R, Herman PMJ, Bouma TJ (2018) Seasonal and latitudinal variation in seagrass mechanical traits across Europe: the influence of local nutrient status and morphometric plasticity. Limnology and Oceanography 63:37-46
- Tarya A, Hoitink AJF, van der Vegt M, van Katwijk MM, Hoeksema BW, Bouma TJ, Lamers LPM, Christianen MJA (2018) Exposure of coastal ecosystems to river plume spreading across a near-equatorial continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research 153: 1-15
- Maxwell PS, Eklöf JS, van Katwijk MM, O'Brien KR, de la Torre-Castro M, Boström C, Bouma TJ, Krause-Jensen D, Unsworth RKF, van Tussenbroek BI, van der Heide T (2017) The fundamental role of ecological feedback mechanisms for the adaptive management of seagrass ecosystems - a review Biological Reviews 92: 1521-1538
- Han Q, Soissons LM, Liu D, van Katwijk MM, Bouma TJ (2017) Individual and population indicators of Zostera japonica respond quickly to experimental addition of sediment-nutrient and organic matter Marine Pollution Bulletin 114: 201-209
- Folmer EO, van Beusekom JEE, Dolch T, Gräwe U, van Katwijk MM, Kolbe K, Philippart CJM (2016) Consensus forecasting of intertidal seagrass habitat in the Wadden Sea. Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 1800-1813
- Adhitya A, Folkard AM, Govers LL, van Katwijk MM, de Iongh HH, Herman PMJ, Bouma TJ. (2016) The exchange of dissolved nutrients between the water column and substrate pore-water due to hydrodynamic adjustment at seagrass meadow edges: A flume study. Limnology and Oceanography 61: 2286-2295
- van Tussenbroek BI, Soissons LM, Bouma TJ, Asmus RM, Auby I, Brun FG, Cardoso PG, Desroy N, Fournier J, Ganthy F, Garmendia JM, Godet L, Grilo TF, Kadel P, Ondeviela B, Peralta G, Recio M, Valle M, van der Heide T, van Katwijk MM (2016) Pollen limitation may be a common Allee effect in marine hydrophilous plants: implications for decline and recovery in seagrasses. Oecologia 182: 595-609
- Govers LL, Man in 't Veld W, Meffert JP, Bouma TJ, van Rijswick PCJ, Heusinkveld JHT, Orth RJ, van Katwijk MM, van der Heide T (2016) Marine Phytophthora species can hamper conservation and restoration of vegetated coastal ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20160812. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2016.0812
- Suykerbuyk W, Govers LL, Bouma TJ, Giesen WBJT, de Jong DJ, van de Voort R, Giesen K, Giesen PT, van Katwijk MM (2016) Unpredictability in seagrass restoration: analysing the role of positive feedback and environmental stress on Zostera noltii transplants. Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 774-784
- van Tussenbroek BI, van Katwijk MM, Bouma TJ, van der Heide T, Govers LL, Leuven RSEW (2016) Non-native seagrass Halophila stipulacea forms dense mats under eutrophic conditions in the Caribbean. Journal of Sea Research 115: 1-5
- Han Q, Soissons LM, Bouma TJ, van Katwijk MM, Liu D (2016) Combined nutrients and macroalgae loads lead to response in seagrass indicator properties. Marine Pollution Bulletin 106: 174-182
- Suykerbuyk W, Bouma TJ, Govers LL, Giesen K, de Jong DJ, Herman PMJ, Hendriks AJ, van Katwijk MM (2016) Surviving in changing seascapes: Sediment dynamics as bottleneck for long-term seagrass presence. Ecosystems 19: 296-310 open access
- van Katwijk MM, Thorhaug A, Marbà N, Orth RJ, Duarte CM, Kendrick GA, Althuizen IHJ, Balestri E, Bernard G, Cambridge ML, Cunha A, Durance C, Giesen W, Han Q, Hosokawa S, Kiswara W, Komatsu T, Lardicci C, Lee KS, Meinesz A, Nakaoka M, O'Brien KR, Paling EI, Pickerell C, Ransijn AMA, Verduin JJ (2016) Global analysis of seagrass restoration: the importance of large-scale planting. Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 567-578
- Soissons LM, Li B, Han Q, van Katwijk MM, Ysebaert T, Herman PMJ, Bouma TJ (2016) Understanding seagrass resilience in temperate systems: the importance of timing of the disturbance. Ecological Indicators 66:190-198
- Roca G, Alcoverro T, Krause-Jensen D, Balsby TJS, van Katwijk MM, Marbà N, Santos R, Arthur R, Mascaró O, Fernández-Torquemada Y, Pérez M, Duarte CM, Romero J (2016) Response of seagrass indicators to shifts in environmental stressors: a global review and management synthesis. Ecological Indicators 63: 310-323
- Wolters JW, Gillis L, Bouma TJ, van Katwijk MM, Ziegler AD (2016) Land use effects on mangrove nutrient status in Phang Nga Bay, Thailand. Land Degradation & Development 27:68-76.
- Vugteveen P, van Katwijk MM, Rouwette E, Lenders HJR, Hanssen L. (2015) Developing an effective adaptive monitoring network to support integrated coastal management in a multi-user nature reserve. Ecology and Society 20 (1):59
- Vugteveen P, Rouwette E, Stouten H, van Katwijk MM, Hanssen L. (2015) Developing social-ecological systems indicators using group model building. Ocean & Coastal Management 109:29-39
- Govers LL, Suykerbuyk W, Hoppenreijs J, Giesen K, Bouma TJ, van Katwijk MM (2015) Rhizome starch as indicator for temperate seagrass winter survival. Ecological Indicators 49:53-60
- Adhitya A, Bouma TJ, Folkard AM, van Katwijk MM, Callaghan D, de Iongh HH, Herman PMJ (2014) Comparison of the influence of patch scale and meadow scale characteristics on flow within seagrass meadows: a flume study. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 516: 49-59
- Govers LL, Lamers LPM, Bouma TJ, de Brouwer JH, van Katwijk MM (2014) Eutrophication threatens Caribbean seagrasses - an example from Curacao and Bonaire Marine Pollution Bulletin 89: 481-486
- Soissons LM, Han Q, Li B, van Katwijk MM, Ysebaert T, Herman PMJ, Bouma TJ (2014) Cover versus recovery: Contrasting responses of two indicators in seagrass beds Marine Pollution Bulletin 87:211-219
- Govers LL, Lamers LPM, Bouma TJ, Eygensteyn J, de Brouwer JH, Hendriks AJ, Huijbers CM, van Katwijk MM (2014) Seagrasses as indicators for coastal trace metal pollution: a global meta-analysis serving as a benchmark, and a Caribbean case study.Environmental Pollution 195:210-217
- Govers LL, de Brouwer JHF, Suykerbuyk W, Bouma TJ, Lamers LPM, Smolders AJP, van Katwijk MM (2014) Toxic effects of increased sediment nutrient and organic
matter loading on the seagrass Zostera noltii. Aquatic Toxicology 155:253-260
- La Nafie YA, van Engeland T, van Katwijk MM, Bouma TJ (2014) Uptake of nitrogen from compound pools by the seagrass Zostera noltii. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 460: 47-52
- Govers LL, Pieck T, Bouma TJ, Suykerbuyk W, Smolders AJP, van Katwijk MM (2014). Seagrasses are negatively affected by organic matter loading and Arenicola marina activity in a laboratory experiment. Oecologia 175:677-685
- Gillis LG, Bouma TJ, Jones CG, van Katwijk MM, Nagelkerken I, Jeuken CJL, Herman PMJ, Ziegler AD (2014) Potential for landscape-scale positive interactions among tropical marine ecosystems. A review. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 503: 289-303 doi: 10.3354/meps10716 free access
- Christianen MJA, Herman PMJ, Bouma TJ, Lamers LPM, van Katwijk MM, van der Heide T, Mumby PJ, Silliman BR, Engelhard S, van de Kerk M, Kiswara W, van de Koppel J (2014). Habitat collapse due to overgrazing threatens turtle conservation in marine protected areas. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 20132890 http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2013.2890
- Vugteveen P, van Katwijk MM, Rouwette E, Hanssen L (2014) How to structure and prioritize information needs in support of monitoring design for integrated coastal management Journal of Sea Research 86:23-33 doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2013.10.013
- Lamers LPM, Govers LL, Janssen ICJM, Geurts JJM, van der Welle, MEW, van Katwijk MM, van der Heide T, Roelofs JGM, Smolders AJP (2013) Sulfide as a soil phytotoxin - a review. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00268
- La Nafie YA, de los Santos CB, Brun FG, Mashoreng S, van Katwijk MM, Bouma TJ (2013) Biomechanical response of two fast-growing tropical seagrass species subjected to in situ shading and sediment fertilization. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 446: 186-193
- Christianen MJA, van Belzen J, Herman PMJ, van Katwijk MM, Lamers LPM, van Leent PJM, Bouma TJ (2013) Low-Canopy Seagrass Beds Still Provide Important Coastal Protection Services. PLoS ONE 8(5): e62413. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062413
- Valle M, van Katwijk MM, de Jong DJ, Bouma TJ, Schipper AM, Chust G, Benito BM Garmendia JM, Borja A (2013). Comparing the performance of species distribution models of Zostera marina: implications for conservation. Journal of Sea Research 83:56-64 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2013.03.002
- La Nafie YA, de los Santos CB, Brun FG, van Katwijk MM, Bouma TJ (2012) Waves and high nutrient loads jointly decrease survival and separately affect morphological and biomechanical properties in the seagrass Zostera noltii. Limnology & Oceanography 57: 1664-1672
- Cunha AH, Marbá N, van Katwijk MM, Pickerell c, Henriques M, Bernard G, Ferreira MA, Garcia S, Garmendia JM, Manent P (2012). Changing paradigms in seagrass restoration: conclusions and recommendations from the European Seagrass Restoration Workshop. Restoration Ecology 20:427-430
- Suykerbuyk W, Bouma TJ, van der Heide T, Faust C, Govers LL, Giesen WBJT, de Jong DJ, van Katwijk MM (2012) Suppressing antagonistic bio-engineering feedbacks doubles restoration success. Ecological Applications 22:1224-1231
- van der Heide T, Govers LL, de Fouw J, Olff H, van der Geest M, van Katwijk MM, Piersma T, van de Koppel J, Silliman BR Smolders AJP, van Gils JA,(2012) A Three-Stage Symbiosis Forms the Foundation of Seagrass Ecosystems. Science 336: 1432-1434.
- Christianen MJA, Govers LL, Bouma TJ, Kiswara W, Roelofs JGM, Lamers LPM, van Katwijk MM (2012) Marine megaherbivore grazing may increase seagrass tolerance to high nutrient loads. Journal of Ecology 100:546-560
- Han, QY, Bouma TJ, Brun FG, Suykerbuyk W, van Katwijk MM (2012). Resilience of Zostera noltii to burial and erosion disturbances. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 449:133-143
- van Katwijk MM, van der Welle MEW, Lucassen ECHET, Vonk JA, Christianen MJA, Kiswara W, Inayat al Hakim I, Arifin A, Bouma TJ, Roelofs JGM, Lamers LPM (2011). Multi-level early warning indicators for river nutrient and sediment loads in tropical seagrass beds: A study in the Berau estuary, East-Kalimantan, Indonesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62:1512-1520
- Christianen MJA, van der Heide T, Bouma TJ, Roelofs JGM, van Katwijk MM, Lamers LPM (2011) Limited toxicity of NH(x) pulses on an early and late successional tropical seagrass species; interactions with pH and light level. Aquatic Toxicology 104:73-79
- van der Heide T, van Nes EH, van Katwijk MM, Olff H, Smolders AJP (2011) Positive Feedbacks in Seagrass Ecosystems – Evidence from Large-Scale Empirical Data. PLoS ONE 6(1): e16504. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016504
- Borsje BW, van Wesenbeeck BK, Dekker K, Paalvast P, Bouma TJ, van Katwijk MM, de Vries MB (2011) How ecological engineering can serve in coastal defense strategies. Ecological Engineering 37: 113-122
- Bos AR, Gumanao GS, van Katwijk MM, Mueller B, Saceda MM, Tejada RLP (2011). Ontogenetic habitat shift, population growth, and burrowing behavior of the Indo-Pacific beach star, Archaster typicus (Echinodermata; Asteroidea). Marine Biology 158: 639-648
- van der Heide T, Smolders AJP, Lamers LPM, van Katwijk MM, Roelofs JGM (2010) Nutrient availability correlates with bicarbonate accumulation in marine and freshwater sediments – empirical evidence from pore water analyses. Appl. Geochem 25: 1825-1829
- van Katwijk MM, Suykerbuyk W, Hermus DCR, Bos AR (2010) Sediment modification by Zostera marina beds: muddification and sandification induced by plant cover and environmental conditions. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 89: 175-181
- van der Heide T, van Nes EH, van Katwijk MM, Scheffer M, Hendriks AJ, Smolders AJP (2010) Alternative stable states driven by density-dependent toxicity. Ecosystems 13:841-850
- Vermonden K, Leuven RSEW, van der Velde G, Hendriks AJ, van Katwijk MM, Roelofs JGM, Lucassen ECHET, Pedersen O, Sand-Jensen K (2010). Species pool versus site limitations of macrophytes in urban waters. Aquatic Sciences 72: 379-389
- van der Heide T, Bouma TJ, van Nes EH, van de Koppel J, Scheffer M, Roelofs JGM, van Katwijk MM, Smolders AJP (2010) Spatial self-organized patterning in seagrasses along a depth gradient of an intertidal ecosystem. Ecology 91: 362-369
- van Katwijk MM, Bos AR, Kennis P, de Vries R (2010) Vulnerability to eutrophication of a semi-annual life history: a lesson learnt from an extinct eelgrass (Zostera marina) population. Biological Conservation 143: 248-254
- Bouma TJ, Friedrichs M, Klaassen P, van Wesenbeeck BK, Brun FG, Temmerman S, van Katwijk MM, Graf G, and Herman PMJ (2009) Effects of shoot stiffness, shoot size and current velocity on scouring sediment from around seedlings and propagules. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 388: 293-297
- Hanssen L., Rouwette E, van Katwijk MM (2009) The role of ecological science in environmental policy making: from a pacification toward a facilitation strategy. Ecology and Society 14 (1): 43. [online open access] URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol14/iss1/art43/
- Paling EI, Fonseca M, van Katwijk MM, van Keulen M (2009) Seagrass restoration. In: Perillo G, Wolanski E, Cahoon D, Brinson M (eds) Coastal wetlands: an integrated ecosystem approach. Elsevier, Amsterdam: 687-713
- van der Heide T, Peeters ETHM, Hermus DCR, van Katwijk MM, Roelofs JGM, Smolders AJP (2009) Predicting habitat suitability in temperate seagrass ecosystems. Limnology and Oceanography 54: 2018-2024
- van Katwijk MM, Bos AR, de Jonge VN, Hanssen LSAM, Hermus DCR, and de Jong DJ (2009) Guidelines for seagrass restoration: importance of habitat selection and donor population, spreading of risks, and ecosystem engineering effects.Marine Pollution Bulletin 58: 179-188
- Vermonden K., Leuven RSEW, van der Velde G, van Katwijk MM, Roelofs JGM, Hendriks AJ (2009) Urban drainage systems: an undervalued habitat for aquatic macroinvertebrates. Biological Conservation 142: 1105-1115
- van der Heide T, Smolders A, Rijkens B, van Nes EH, van Katwijk MM, Roelofs J (2008) Toxicity of reduced nitrogen in eelgrass (Zostera marina) is highly dependent on shoot density and pH. Oecologia 158:411-419
- Godet L, Fournier J, van Katwijk MM, Olivier F, Le Mao P, and Retière C. (2008) Before and after wasting disease in common eelgrass Zostera marina along the French Atlantic coasts: a general overview and first accurate mapping. Diseases Aquatic Organisms 79:249-255
- van der Heide, van Nes EH, Geerling GW, Smolders AJP, Bouma TJ, and van Katwijk MM (2007). Positive feedbacks in seagrass ecosytems - theoretical and management implications. Ecosystems 10: 1311-1322
- Bos AR, Bouma TJ, de Kort GLJ, and van Katwijk MM (2007) Ecosystem engineering by annual intertidal seagrass beds: sediment accretion and modification. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 74:344-348.
- Bos AR, van Katwijk MM (2007) Planting density, hydrodynamic exposure and mussel beds affect survival of transplanted intertidal eelgrass. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 336:121-129
- Leuven RSEW, van den Heuvel PJ, van Katwijk MM, Herman PMJ, van der Velde G, Ragas AMJ (2006) Pieter Hendrik Nienhuis: aquatic ecologist and environmental scientist. Hydrobiologia 565:1-18
- van Katwijk MM, Wijgergangs LJM (2004) Effects of locally varying exposure, sediment type and low-tide water cover on Zostera marina recruitment from seed. Aquatic Botany 80:1-12
- van Katwijk MM, Hermus DCR (2000) The effect of physical disturbance on Zostera marina L. transplantations in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 208:107-118
- de Jonge VN, de Jong DJ, van Katwijk MM (2000) Policy plans and management measures to restore eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Helgoland Marine Research 54:151-158
- van Katwijk MM, Hermus DCR, de Jong DJ, Asmus, RM, de Jonge VN (2000) Habitat suitability of the Wadden Sea for Zostera marina restoration. Helgoland Marine Research 54: 117-128
- van Katwijk MM, Schmitz GHW, Gasseling AP, van Avesaath PH (1999) The effects of salinity and nutrient level and their interaction on Zostera marina L. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 190:155-165
- van Katwijk MM, Schmitz GHW, Hanssen LSAM, den Hartog C (1998) Suitability of Zostera marina populations for transplantation to the Wadden Sea as determined by a mesocosm shading experiment. Aquatic Botany 60:382-305
- van Katwijk MM, Vergeer LHT, Schmitz GHW, Roelofs JGM (1997) Ammonium toxicity in eelgrass Zostera marina. Marine Ecology-Progress Series157:159-173
- van den Brink FWB, van Katwijk MM, van der Velde G (1994) Impact of hydrology on phyto- and zooplankton community composition in floodplain lakes along the Lower Rhine and Meuse. Journal of Plankton Research 16:351-373
- van Katwijk MM, Meier NF, Van Loon R, Van Hove EM, Giesen WBJT, van der Velde G, den Hartog C (1993) Sabaki river sediment load and coral stress: Correlation between sediments and condition of the Malindi-Watamu reefs in Kenya (Indian Ocean). Marine Biology 117:675-683
- Giesen WBJT, van Katwijk MM, den Hartog C (1990) Eelgrass condition and turbidity in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Aquatic Botany 37:71-85
- Giesen WBJT, van Katwijk MM, den Hartog C (1990) Temperature, salinity, insolation and wasting disease of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the Dutch Wadden Sea in the 1930's. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 25:395-404
Other publications
- Dolch T, Folmer EO, Frederiksen MS, Herlyn M, van Katwijk MM, Kolbe K, Krause-Jensen D, Schmedes P, Westerbeek EP (2017) Seagrass. In: Wadden Sea Quality Status Report 2017. Eds.: Kloepper S. et al., Commen Wadden Sea Secretariat, Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Last updated 21.12.2017. Downloaded 14.03.2018. qsr.waddensea-worldheritage.org/reports/seagrass
- Blog (in J.Appl.Ecol. 2016): Global analysis of seagrass restoration with a note on unpredictability of success
- GJ Geerling, AD Buijse, W Liefveld, MM van Katwijk, AV de Groot (2016) De werking van RWS KRW maatregelen in conceptuele relatieschema's. Deltares, p 1-28.
- van Duren LA, van Katwijk MM (2015) Herstelmaatregel groot zeegras in de Nederlandse Waddenzee. Haalbaarheid van de doelstellingen onder de Kaderrichtlijn Water. Project 12038902, Deltares Delft, The Netherlands, p 1-36.
- van Katwijk MM (2015) Uitzaai Groot zeegras Grevelingen. Ecoscience, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, p 1-10.
- Giesen WBTJ, Giesen K, Giesen PT, Govers LL, Suykerbuyk W, van Katwijk MM (2015) Zeegrasmitigaties Oosterschelde. Proeven met verplaatsen van Klein zeegras (Zostera noltii) in de Oosterschelde: mitigatiemaatregel bij dijkwerkzaamheden ZLD-6606A. Eindrapport, aangevuld met metingen 2014 en 2015. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Govers LL, Meffert JP, van Rijswick PCJ, Man in 't Veld W, Heusinkveld JHT, van Katwijk MM, Bouma TJ, van der Heide T (2015) Effecten van Phytophthora spp.- besmetting op de zaadkieming van groot zeegras (Zostera marina) Implicaties voor zeegrasherstel. Rapport Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Giesen WBTJ, Giesen K, Giesen PT, Govers LL, Suykerbuyk W, van Katwijk MM (2014) Zeegrasmitigaties Oosterschelde. Proeven met verplaatsen van Klein zeegras (Zostera noltii) in de Oosterschelde: mitigatiemaatregel bij toekomstige dijkwerkzaamheden ZLD-6606A. Eindrapport van Fasen 9-13: Monitoring van zeegrasmitigaties uitgevoerd in 2007-08 en 2010-2012 gedurende 2011-2013. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Dankers N, van Katwijk MM, Philippart CJM (2014) Texel, Texelaars en zeegras. In: Texel is anders. Landschap, (cultuur)historie en natuur. Eindredactie de Raad J, Kooistra L. Natuurmonumenten en Staatsbosbeheer, p 53-60
- Suykerbuyk W, Giesen K, van Katwijk MM (2013) Maatregel Herstel Groot Zeegras Waddenzee; Werkpakket 4 Sedimentdynamiek. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Nijmegen.
- van Duren LA, van Katwijk MM (2013). Eelgras restoration in the Dutch Wadden Sea, results 2013. Project 12038902, Deltares Delft, The Netherlands, p 1-19
- van Duren LA, van Katwijk MM, Heusinkveld J, Reise K. (2013). Eelgrass restoration in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Project 12038902, Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands, p 1-23
- Giesen WBTJ, Giesen K, Giesen PT, Govers LL, Suykerbuyk W, van Katwijk MM (2012) Zeegrasmitigaties Oosterschelde. Proeven met verplaatsen van Klein zeegras (Zostera noltii in de Oosterschelde: mitigatiemaatregel bij toekomstige dijkwerkzaamheden ZLD-6606A. Eindrapport van Fasen 6-8: Monitoring van zeegrasmitigaties uitgevoerd in 2007, 2008 & 2010 gedurende 2010-2011. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- van Katwijk MM (2012) Zeegras in de Waddenzee. De Levende Natuur 113: 107-109
- Giesen W, van Katwijk MM (2011) Re-introduction of seagrass in the Netherlands Wadden Sea. In: Soorae PS (ed) Global re-introduction perspectives: 2011. More case studies from around the globe. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group and Abu Dhabi, UAE: Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi. Pp 228-233
- Hanssen L, van Katwijk MM (2010) Ontsmettingsmethodiek voor zeegraszaden met het oog op een mogelijke herintroductie van Groot zeegras (Zostera marina) in het Grevelingenmeer. Radboud University & Ecoscience, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Giesen WBJT, Giesen PT, Govers LL, Suykerbuyk W, van Katwijk MM (2010) Zeegrasmitigaties Oosterschelde. Proeven met verplaatsen van klein zeegras Zostera noltii in de Oosterschelde: mitigatiemaatregel bij toekomstige dijkwerkzaamheden. Eindrapportage fase 3 – 5. ZLD-6606, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Erftemeijer PLA, van Katwijk MM (2010) Zeegrasproef Waddenzee. Grootschalig zeegrasherstel in de Nederlandse Waddenzee door middel van zaadverspreiding. Plan van Aanpak. Deltares, Delft
- Giesen WBJT, Giesen PT, Govers LL, Suykerbuyk W, van Katwijk MM (2010) Zeegrasmitigaties Oosterschelde. Proeven met verplaatsen van klein zeegras Zostera noltii in de Oosterschelde: mitigatiemaatregel bij toekomstige dijkwerkzaamheden. Eindrapportage fase 5: monitoring van zeegrasmitigaties uitgevoerd in 2008 gedurende 2008 en 2009. ZLD-6606, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Herman PMJ, VN de Jonge, N Dankers, BJ Ens, WJ Wolff, B Brinkman, M Baptist, MA van Leeuwe, JPBakker, CJM. Philippart, J Kromkamp, J van Beusekom, M van Katwijk, T Piersma, HW van der Veer, EJ Lammerts, AP Oost, J van der Meer, HJ Lindeboom, H Olff, G Jansen (2009) (Natuur)behoud in een veranderende wereld Position paper Ecologie. Waddenacademie, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
- Giesen WBJT, van Katwijk MM (2008) Zeegrasmitigaties Oosterschelde. Proeven met verplaatsen van klein zeegras Zostera noltii in de Oosterschelde: mitigatiemaatregel bij toekomstige dijkwerkzaamheden. Tussenrapportage voor fase 4. ZLD-6606, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Giesen WBJT, Giesen PT, van der Heide T, Suykerbuyk W, van Katwijk MM (2008) Zeegrasmitigaties Oosterschelde. Proeven met verplaatsen van klein zeegras Zostera noltii in de Oosterschelde: mitigatiemaatregel bij toekomstige dijkwerkzaamheden. Tussenrapportage fase 3: monitoring van zeegrasplots aangelegd in 2007. ZLD-6606, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Giesen WBJT, Giesen PT, van der Heide T, van Katwijk MM (2008) Zeegrasmitigaties Oosterschelde. Proeven met verplaatsen van klein zeegras Zostera noltii in de Oosterschelde: mitigatiemaatregel bij toekomstige dijkwerkzaamheden. Eindrapportage fase 2. ZLD-6470, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- de Vries MB, Bouma TJ, van Katwijk MM, Borsje BW, van Wesenbeeck BK (2007) Biobouwers van de kust. Rapport Z4158, WL|Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands
- Giesen WBJT, Giesen PT, van der Heide T, van Katwijk MM (2007) Zeegrasmitigaties Oosterschelde. Proeven met verplaatsen van klein zeegras Zostera noltii in de Oosterschelde: mitigatiemaatregel bij toekomstige dijkwerkzaamheden. ZLD-6470, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Hanssen LSAM, van Katwijk MM, Glasmeijer A, Rouwette E (2007) Als de feiten spreken... Een evaluatie van het EVA II-proces, de tweede fase (1999-2003) van het evaluatie-programma Structuurnota Zee- en Kustvisserij. Deining Maatschappelijke Communicatie, Nijmegen (Rapport, Bijlagen)
- Hanssen L, van Katwijk M.M. (2007). Maatschappelijk robuuste wetenschapscommunicatie; van transmissie- naar transactiedenken. In: Willems J. Basisboek wetenschapscommunicatie. Boom uitgevers, Amsterdam. (in Dutch)
- van Katwijk MM, Bouma TJ, de Vries MB, Borsje BW (2007) Biobouwers van de kust en klimaatsverandering. Inventarisatie van bestaande kennis en toepassingsmogelijkheden. Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- van der Heide T, van Katwijk MM, Geerling GW (2006) Een verkenning van de groeimogelijkheden van ondergedoken Groot zeegras (Zostera marina) in de Nederlandse Waddenzee. Radboud University, Nijmegen
- van Katwijk, M.M., Geerling, G.W., Rasin, R., van 't Veer, R., Bos, A.R., Hermus, D.C.R., van Wieringen, M., Jager, Z., Groeneweg, A.H., Erftemeijer, P.L.A., van der Heide, T., de Jong, D.J., (2006) Macrophytes in the western Wadden Sea: monitoring, invasion, transplantations, dynamics and European policy. In: Laursen, K., Marencic, H., et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium. Esbjerg, Denmark
- Reise K, van Katwijk M, de Jong D, Schanz A, Jager Z (2005) Seagrass. In: Marencic H, et al (eds) Quality Status Report Wadden Sea. p 91-98
- Bos AR, Dankers N, Groeneweg AH, Hermus DCR, Jager Z, de Jong DJ, Smit T, de Vlas J, van Wieringen M, van Katwijk MM (2005) Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the western Wadden Sea: monitoring, habitat suitability model, transplantations and communication. In: Herrier J-L, Mees J, Salman A, Seys J, van Nieuwenhuyse H, Dobbelaere I (eds) Proceedings 'Dunes and Estuaries 2005' - International Conference on Nature Restoration Practices in European Coastal Habitats. VLIZ Special Publication 19, Koksijde, Belgium, 19-23 September 2005, p 95-109
- van Katwijk MM, Ebben K, van Woerkum M, Hanssen L (2005) When the facts speak, what do we hear? Handling uncertainties in the environmental science-policy interface and the role of stakeholders. Poster presentation ECSA Meeting: Ecosystems in changing estuaries. Groningen, 26-29 November 2005.
- van Katwijk MM (2005) Dynamiek van zeegrasvelden in de Waddenzee en aanbevelingen voor het beheer. Ecoscience, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- van Katwijk MM (2005) Klein zeegras en Snavelruppia op het Balgzand. Een transplantatiesucces en een spontane vestiging aan het begin van de 21e eeuw. Ecoscience, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- de Jong DJ, Brinkman AG, van Katwijk MM (2005) Kansenkaart zeegras Waddenzee. Potentiële groeimogelijkheden voor zeegras in de Waddenzee. Report RIKZ/2005.013, Rijkswaterstaat, Middelburg, the Netherlands
- Bos AR, van Katwijk MM (2005) Herintroductie van Groot zeegras (Zostera marina) in de westelijke Waddenzee (2002-2005). Dep. of Environmental Science, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Bos AR, Hermus DCR, van Katwijk MM (2005) Herintroductie van Zostera marina in de westelijke Waddenzee (2002-2006). Resultatenrapportage 2004. Report Dep. of Environmental Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- de Jong DJ, van Katwijk MM, Jager Z (2004) Zeegras in Nederland. De Levende Natuur 105: 209-211
- Bos AR, van Katwijk MM, Hermus DCR (2004) Herintroductie Zostera marina in de westelijke Waddenzee (2002-2006), Resultatenrapportage 2003. Dep. of Environmental Studies, University of Nijmegen.
- Hily C, van Katwijk MM, den Hartog C (2003). Seagrass distribution in Western Europe. In Green EP, Short FT, Spalding MD, World atlas of seagrasses. Prepared by the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA. p 38-47.
- van Katwijk MM (2003) Reintroduction of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the Dutch Wadden Sea; a research overview and management vision. In: Wolff WJ, Essink K, Kellermann A. van Leeuwe M.A. Challenges to the Wadden Sea area, Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium (Groningen, The Netherlands 31 Oct. - 3 Nov. 2000 ). Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries and Dep of Marine Biology University of Groningen.
- van Katwijk MM, ter Braak (2003) Handleiding voor het gebruik van multivariate analysetechnieken in de ecologie. Ecoscience, University of Nijmegen, 30 pp. (als pdf gratis ter beschikking gesteld) vernieuwd in 2008
- Vugteveen P, van Katwijk MM (2003) Ecosystem engineering, feedback processes and alternative states in estuaries. Dep. of Environmental Studies, University of Nijmegen
- van Pelt S, van Katwijk MM, Dankers N (2003) Herintroductie Zostera marina in de westelijke Waddenzee (2002-2006). Resultatenrapportage activiteiten 2002. Dep. of Environmental Studies, University of Nijmegen.
- van Pelt S, van Katwijk MM (2003) Herintroductie Zostera marina in de westelijke Waddenzee. Aanplant Groot zeegras op het Balgzand – juli 2002. Dep. of Environmental Studies, University of Nijmegen.
- Jager Z, van Wieringen M, van Katwijk MM, van Pelt S (2002) Transplantation of eelgrass (Zostera marina) to the western Dutch Wadden Sea. Wadden Sea Newsletter 2002-2:23-25
- van Dijk S, van Katwijk MM (2002) Aanleg en nulsituatie van mosselbanken op Balgzand 2002. Dep. of Environmental Studies, University of Nijmegen
- van Katwijk MM, Dankers N, van Pelt S (2002). Herintroductie van Groot zeegras in de westelijke Waddenzee (2002-2006). Inventarisatie van bestaande kennis, selectie van locaties en plan van aanpak. Dep. of Environmental Studies, University of Nijmegen
- Hanssen L, van Katwijk MM (2001) To B or not to B. Bereik beleving en binding in elektronische omgevingen. Presentatie op het Communicatiewetenschappelijk Congres, 23-24 februari 2001 Amsterdam
- van Katwijk MM (poster) Ecological coastal protection; mussel beds, seagrass beds and salt-marshes. Symposium "Food for thought: structuring factors of shallow marine coastal communities", NIOZ 29&30 November 2001 doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30768.97286
- van Katwijk MM (2000) Zostera marina and the Wadden Sea. In: Sheppard C (ed) Seas at the Millennium. Warwick Univ UK/Elsevier, Amsterdam
- van Katwijk MM (2000) Possibilities for restoration of Zostera marina beds in the Dutch Wadden Sea. PhD thesis, University of Nijmegen.
- van Katwijk MM (2000) Onderwaterwoud van zeegras. Waddenbulletin 2000-2:29-31
- van Katwijk MM, Wijgergangs LJM, Hermus DCR (2000) Standplaatsonderzoek Groot zeegras (Zostera marina L.). Vergelijking van vier Nederlandse zeegrasvelden. Department of Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, University of Nijmegen
- van Katwijk MM, Wijgergangs LJM (2000) Enkele voorwaarden voor kieming en zaailingontwikkeling van Groot zeegras (Zostera marina).Department of Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, University of Nijmegen
- van Katwijk MM, Schmitz GHW (1999) The effects of salinity and nutrient load and their interaction on Zostera marina L. plant originating from the estuarine Eems population and the marine Terschelling population in The Netherlands. Department of Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, University of Nijmegen
- van Katwijk MM (1999) Mogelijkheden van Stabilisatietechnieken bij Zeegrastransplantatie.Department of Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology, University of Nijmegen van Katwijk MM (1993) Reintroduction of Seagrass (Zostera marina L. and Z. noltii Hornem.) in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Wadden Sea Newsletter 1993-1:22-25
- van Katwijk MM, Schmitz GHW (1993) Herintroduktie van Zeegras in de Waddenzee. Beplantingen 1991 en 1992. Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Wijgergangs LJM, van Katwijk MM (1993) Zeegrassterfte in het Grevelingenmeer. Een Studie naar de Mogelijke Oorzaken van de Afname van het Groot zeegras, Zostera marina L., sinds eind jaren tachtig. Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- van Katwijk MM (1992) Herintroduktie van zeegras in de Waddenzee. 1. Mesocosmexperimenten met Groot zeegras (Zostera marina L.). Laboratorium voor Aquatische Oecologie, University of Nijmegen
- Maenen MMJ, van Katwijk MM (1990) Fysisch-Chemische Karakterisering en Biotische Samenstelling (Macrofauna en Flora) van Watertypen in Noord-Holland. Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- G. van der Velde & M.M. van Katwijk 1989. Meer variatie in de tuin: harde, zachte en zure vijvers. Groei en Bloei mei 1989: 62-64.
- van Katwijk MM, Roelofs JGM (1988) Vegetaties van Waterplanten in Relatie tot het Milieu. Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Sỳkora KV, van Katwijk M, Meier R (1987) Synecological relations in the moist grasslands of Ballyteige Innish, Ireland. In: Huiskes AHL, Blom CWPM, Rozema J (eds) Vegetation between land and sea. Structure and processes. Dr W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht, p 95-106
e-mail: m.vankatwijk<at>science.ru.nl
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